Re-ignite Yourself to Achieve your Goals!

An inspiration from spiritual article
Goals Achievement

Step 1: Clarify your Passion, Talents, and Values

Step 2: Crystallize your WHY -- Your Purpose and Vision

Step 3: Explore Possibilities and Alignment of the How

Step 4: Goals, Strategies, and Ownership

Step 5: Operationalize into Daily Behaviors

Step 6: Motivation, Risk Taking, and Commitment to Act

Step 7: Ongoing Support and Action

Life's Challenge: The challenge in life for most of us is that we are not 'on track' to achieve our full potential and our Life Purpose

"Purpose is the most powerful motivator in the world." – Gandhi

Living your greatest passion; living out those deep emotions of desire, joy, love, and conviction.

How to discover the true life purpose?

Step 1: Clarify your Passion, Talents, and Values
Take inventory of what you love/passions. What you are designed to do. What you are best at. Assess your gifts/strengths/uniqueness.

Clarify your values -- what is most important to you.

Step 2: Crystallize your WHY -- Your Purpose and Vision
Tap into your inner wisdom, your intuition, your Soul through meditation and closed eye visualization to capture your true Life Purpose.

Crystallize this insight by writing your Purpose Statements.

Step 3: Explore Possibilities and Alignment of the How
Brainstorm options -- what feels right?
What is in alignment with True Life Purpose?

Step 4:
Goals, Strategies, and Ownership
Select the option(s) or role that is most aligned with your Purpose. Set goals, strategies, and ownership.

Step 5: Operationalize into Daily Behaviors
Create priorities and a daily routine to 'walk your talk daily'. Make it a habit!

Step 6: Motivation, Risk Taking, and Commitment to Act
Raise your level of emotional commitment to act in the face of fear and ego's resistance.

Step 7: Ongoing Support and Action
Get an Accountability Success Partner to support you in staying on track.

Your Purpose is like a treasure buried in your backyard. You don't create the treasure; you simply need to uncover it. You don't create your Purpose; you simply discover it.

When you discover your purpose with your passion under superb performance than you will surely achieve your goals.