In it only in the rarest of cases that these are the people we choose as our life partner. Most of the time these are the people who come in as our lovers and have a beautiful relationship during their stay. They might be our first crush, an affair, a week long fling or simply a no-strings-attached relationship. People like these stay in our lives for a short while only. Teaching us about ourselves and other important lessons that will be poignant and meaningful down the road.
These relationships do not start with love at first sight feeling that we think we should feel with a potential partner, but over time it builds and the relationship turns into something serious and meaningful. This “soul connection” lasts a lifetime even though the romantic love portion of the dynamic fades.
2. FRIEND SOULMATE : This is one of those types of soulmates you should cherish your whole life because these people are essentially here to stay. Sometimes you meet a person with whom hours of conversation seem like minutes.
You could never grow bored with this person’s company and you would never judge them and vice versa. These are the people who know you more than you know yourself. They get you when no one else does and stand by you like no one ever would.
3. WRECKING BALL SOULMATE :If you thought soulmates were only here to love you and care for you, think again. This soulmate is not somebody that comes into our life peacefully. They enter in to shake things up. They challenge us and make us question everything we thought we knew about life.
This type of soulmate can come in many forms but it’s normally a romantic relationship that leaves us feeling as if we’ve been swept up like a tornado, taken for the ride of our life, and then dumped from the sky with no warning in an exhausted, tailspun heap. And most people rebuild something completely different and way more beautiful than what existed before.
4. DIVINE LOVE SOULMATE : This is the soulmate that every one of us desires to have. And if we’re lucky enough, we will meet them and live out the rest of our days on this earth together.
“You felt familiar the moment I met you. A lovely sort of déjà vu. When we spoke or laughed or danced I became overwhelmed by the powerful sensation that I had been here before. And when we kissed I felt the energies of a thousand lives on our lips, like our souls had known each other all along.” – Beau Taplin
5. COMPLETE STRANGER SOULMATE : This is always a very brief encounter with somebody you don’t know. It might be the person you sat next to on a flight for a few hours, someone you meet and spend time with one evening at a party, or as brief as a stranger whose eyes yours meet on the street. The exchange is brief but intimate.
They normally say something that you need to hear in that moment, validate something that you’ve been feeling or push you in a direction you need to go but are afraid. You know in the depths of your soul the encounter meant something even though you never see them again.


1. Those meant to awaken us.

Sometimes people or things come into our lives that are meant to create a point of stopping for us.
2. Those who remind us.
Sometimes in life, we come across people who are supposed to remind us of the path we are supposed to be going down.
These people are often temporary but leave a lasting change inside your soul.
3. Those who help us grow.
Some people are meant to help us grow as a person.
They teach us things we would not have been able to do on their own.
4. Those who hold space for us.
Sometimes there are people who come into your life who are meant to hold space for us.
They make small talk and most of the time we don’t even get their names. This could be a stranger on a bus or even a worker in a coffee shop.
5. Those who stay
When we are ready the Universe will give us someone who will stay with us forever, someone who is our fate.
This person will be all that you thought they would be and more. You just have to be patient. We also encounter many people who stay when it comes to lasting friendships and close family but that one person makes things all better.



FORGIVENESS : There are certain incidents in our life where we are betrayed or cheated or may be insulted also by someone.
As a result we are filled with grudge, anger,hurtful or revengeful feelings.
With these feelings we create BLOCKS for our success.
Our mind is always filled with the negative thoughts of that person. Either we are thinking of how to take its revenge or how to hurt back the same person..
As a result there is no ROOM FOR PRODUCTIVE THOUGHTS, thoughts which will lead us to become a SUCCESSFUL PERSON.
So from today practice the art of forgiveness.
Forgive people with a big heart. Release the anger, grudge, frustration in your mind.
Forgiveness makes us happier
Forgiveness improves our health, when we forgive, our stress levels drop, and people who are more forgiving are protected from the negative health effects of stress. Studies also suggest that holding grudges might compromise our immune system, making us less resistant to illness.
Forgiveness sustains relationships: Studies suggest that forgiveness can stop this downward spiral and repair our relationship before it dissolves.
Forgiveness is good for marriages (most of the time): Spouses who are more forgiving and less vindictive are better at resolving conflicts effectively in their marriage.
Forgiveness boosts kindness and connectedness: People who feel forgiving don’t only feel more positive toward someone who hurt them. They are also more likely to want to volunteer and donate money to charity, and they feel more connected to other people in general.
Whenever someone hurts you or disobeys you just say I FORGIVE YOU in mind.
Don't keep anger and grudge in your heart...
You may have noticed that people who are often ill tend to be pretty negative.
Of course, it’s hard to be happy when you’re always sick or in pain. However, science is saying that your emotions may be the cause of the chronic pain you’re experiencing – and not the other way around.
In response to psychological stress or certain physical stressors, an inflammatory process may occur.
Is there a connection between emotions and chronic pain? According to Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist who specializes in trauma-induced depression, emotions have a major impact on your chronic pain.
So what does our chronic pain show about our emotional state?Let’s take a look!
Headaches or migraines can be brought on by the stress of day to day life. If one gets chronic headaches, they need to take some time for themselves. Not just once, but daily. Relieving the body of stress may help to ease any head pain.
Contrary to popular belief, neck pain does not mean kids are driving one crazy. Pain in the neck signifies the need to forgive. It may be forgiveness of another person or even forgiveness of one’s self. It is important to think about the things one loves about themselves and others to fight this pain.
Shoulder pain is a sign that one may be carrying a heavy emotional burden. Basically, they are shouldering everything. Try to think of ways to solve this emotional problem or share the load with trusted friends or family.
Upper Back
Lack of emotional support can manifest in upper back pain. Maybe one does not feel appreciated, or they are holding back feelings of affection. If one is in a relationship, maybe have a discussion about feelings. If one is single, it might be time to branch out.
Lower Back
Lower back pain may signify someone has financial worries. Try to sit down and focus on managing money better or hire a financial planner. It might also be time to ask for that well-deserved raise.
Arm and elbow pain may mean a lack of flexibility. Maybe one is resisting the natural changes that are occurring in their lives. Try shaking things up and going with the flow. Attempting to fight change only brings trouble.
A lack of friends or reaching out may cause pain in the hands. Try making new friends or going to lunch with work associates. Spend some time actively meeting new people.
Fear of moving, change and waiting to make a big decision could all cause pain in the hips. Make the changes one needs and move on needed. Also, make a choice and stick with it!
Knee pain may mean that one thinks too highly of themselves. Spend some time volunteering and remember that all people are mortal. No one is free of imperfections.
Emotional tension, stress or jealousy may be the cause of calf pain. It may be time to let go of any big stressors in one’s life or to dump the jealousy.
Ankle pain may mean one needs more pleasure in his or her life. Take some time to pamper yourself or spice up your love life. Indulge a little bit!

Depression can lead to foot pain. Depression is hard to beat, but there are some things one can do to fight back. Try a new hobby or adopt a pet. Find something that gives joy!
Friends this concept is scientifically proven so before adopting medicine or concern for the doctor, give some time and observe your thoughts... it heals you automatically.
This is from the book " You can heal your life" by Louis Hay

Karmic Relationship

The relationship that drives people crazy with anger and frustration are from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin and exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family.
Karmic relationships mean that you’ve had prior lifetimes with this person, and you both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides and angels who helped you script out much of your life. Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you’d work things out, and clear both of your energies.
If you don’t clear the energies in this lifetime, you’ll be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again and again and again.
And each lifetime, his or her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics and familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your mother or husband next lifetime unless you clear the energy with her in this one.
You’re brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him or her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic and unhealthful.
It’s also a waste of time and energy to blame that person for family dramas and your own upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him or her doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the karma between you.
Breaking the Karmic Cycle
The first step to break this karmic cycle is for you to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time.
This involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. You probably were given red-flag warnings by your angels then, which you chose to ignore or override. Forgive yourself for ignoring those red flags, and vow to listen from now on. Life lessons only count if we learn from them.
You get infuriated by how this person behaves. But this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked. You were the one who chose to try to be in a relationship with him or her long, long ago. You were the one who decided that all of those red flags that your angels sent you didn’t matter. You were the one who decided that you could change or fix the person.
Now it’s time to let go of that fantasy that this person could be as you desire or dream him or her to be. You’re not the other person’s Source, nor are you the author of his or her life scripts.
Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. They’re power plays, where one person will pull and the other person will pull back. No one wins in karmic power plays. But when one person drops his or her side of the rope (through the process of forgiving him- or herself for getting into this tug-of-war in the first place), the power struggle stops.
I use prayers for forgiveness for other and self
Saying bless you to the soul
Find reasons to be grateful 
Learn the lessons by asking them to be revealed....


A key principle to remain light and stable in relationships is – FORGIVE and FORGET - it’s a well-known principle – one that we sometimes find difficult to practice. It can be modified to forgive to forget. Sometimes we spend many years with so much bitterness inside us for a particular person, with an inner violence of wanting to make the other pay (emotions of revenge), the one who has supposedly hurt you. If you don’t strike back immediately, you at least want to keep this guilt card in your pocket, to be pulled out at a later date: Oh yes, well what about the time when you…. We keep this bitterness inside us because we haven't forgiven. It does not resolve the situation; the only thing it does is increase our pain, makes us heavy and does not let us remain in peace. So the key is that if we do not forgive, we cannot forget. When someone has offended or insulted us, the last thing we want to do is to let it go. And yet, if our desire is to have a healthy, lasting relationship, that is exactly what we’ve got to do.
Sometimes, when it is a question of a broken relationship, it is not only a matter of forgiving the other, but of forgiving yourself for having allowed yourself to enter that experience. It was you that took the step to allow that experience to be entered into. If you hadn't taken that step, you wouldn't have had that experience. You accepted that challenge, that relationship, and what might happen in it – you were aware of the possibilities when you entered in the relationship. So not only do you have to learn to forgive the other, but also to forgive yourself in such situations. Only then will you be able to forget.


Before you entered this physical time and space your soul made an agreement.
Before you came into human form, your soul had specific purpose or destiny that it had agreed to fulfill.
This destiny was written and is your Soul Contract.
We all have Soul Contracts and essentially it is the list of lessons that we are meant to acquire in this life time in order to advance our soul to a higher level of consciousness.
Your time, date and place of birth are no accident
The family you were born into was specifically chosen for you
Certain people are destined to come into your life to help you heal something either from a past life or in this lifetime
Whatever events unfold in your life are here in order to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness
Death is also included on your soul contract, but not as a date- rather it is at a moment in your life- a moment when you realize whatever it is that you need to realize in order to move back into spirit form
You were sent to this dimension of Earth at a specific time, to a specific place and with a specific purpose.
One thing that is not predetermined however, is your free will and choice.
Life is full of choices. We all have free will, we are all in charge (to a certain extent) and we all have a say in how we want our life to unfold once we get here.

These choices are seen as our fate- we can choose which path to go down, we can choose which road to avoid and which road to pursue, but one thing that we cannot change is our destiny.
Our destiny is essentially to experience the Unconditional Love of the Universe and often this takes many journeys, across many lifetimes and dimensions, in order to fully return to this energy.
All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their conscious evolution, some are towards the end and some have just begun, but either way we are all ‘contracted’ to be here.
Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal you made with yourself in order to help you grow and evolve to a higher state of awareness but, you are not alone. 
You are also given some help along the way by your guides and angels.
In order to fulfill your Soul Contract you are also assigned a set of spirit guides, angels and people to help you. 
If you are open enough, you will constantly receive signs, messages and clues as to whether you are following your highest or destined path.
One of the best physical clues that you are following your Soul Contract or highest path is when synchronicity occurs or strange coincidences happen that lead you from one thing to the next.
Another good sign that you are following your highest path is when you seem to meet the right people at the right time who can offer you information, guidance and assistance when you are in doubt or wanting to learn.
There is some debate over whether or not you can break your Soul Contract. Some argue that everything you do is part of your contract, and others believe that you can wander off your chosen path. But was breaking your contract part of the deal?
I don’t think its possible to really ever break your contract, but there can be moments when your choices don’t always flow with your destiny. 
When this occurs you may experience confusion, negativity or even physical ailments, but remember all of this is sometimes necessary to help you naturally align with and move back into the flow.
Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were placed on- the mountain you were destined to climb.
You can choose how to get to the top, you can choose which way you want to climb; each of these choices bringing about a completely different experience, but the destination will always be the same. 
Your mountain will continue to grow, shift and evolve as you do, but your purpose here in human form will always remain.
It is not a race to see how fast you can get to the top, it’s not a necessary challenge to try to climb someone else’s mountain, the challenge is in being true to yourself, and climbing your mountain with ease and grace; excited by where the journey will take you........

How Emotions Affect Our Health...

You are not a drop in the ocean but an ocean in every drop...said Rumi.
What did he mean by that... every cell in our body is intelligent to think and act.. We have 60 trillion cells in our body and our health depends a lot on the harmonic balance and cohesion of the cells with each other...
In the movie Eat, Pray Love, Julia Roberts visits a wise man in Bali, and he advises her not to try too hard to meditate.. in fact he suggests that meditation is nothing but smiling and the line that is a kicker, is " Smile with your liver "
If you believe that this is just a metaphor, lets look at the other end of the spectrum to prove just how crucial this is..
Let us say you hold a negative emotion towards somebody, something or some event in your life... each time you think of that your whole body re-lives the emotional upheaval of that association..
Your mind doesn't have a mind of its own, and doesn't know if the event is happening in real time or it is being replayed.. so it produces the same stress hormones.. each and every cell of your body starts feeling the same emotion of let us say "hatred" towards that event, person or experience all over again...
The body is not at ease.. this is a state where the condition of dis-ease sets in....
If you continue to live in that state, your cells are now getting conditioned to live in the same state...
The Upanishads talk about "Yatha Pinde tatha Brahmande" as is the atom so is the universe....
Health of a person, depends on how well all the systems of the body and the 60 trillion cells play the melody of harmony together..
When the cells are living in a state of hatred, they soon start exhibiting that with each other and killing healthy cells in the body...This leads to many forms of auto immune disease...
Like Rumi said.. you are not a drop in the ocean, you are an ocean in every drop...
Be careful of your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions...
Forgive people, not because they deserve it, but because you need it... Stay happy, stay healthy...


Destiny dictates the meeting of soulmates. We will meet them. But what we decide to do after that meeting falls in the province of choice or free will. A wrong choice or a missed chance can lead to incredible loneliness and suffering.

A right choice, an opportunity realized, can bring us to profound bliss and happiness. 
There is someone special for everyone. Often there are two or three. They come from different generations. They travel across oceans of time and the depths of heavenly dimensions to be with you again. They come from the other side, from heaven. They look different, but our heart knows them.
Your head may interfere: “I do not know you.” Your heart knows.
He takes your hand for the first time, and the memory of his touch transcends time and sends a jolt through every atom of your being.
Everything outside this moment loses its importance.
A sudden feeling of familiarity, of knowing this new person at depths far beyond what the conscious mind could know.
You may be awakened to the presence of your soul companion by a look, a dream, a memory, a feeling. ...

You will not always marry your most strongly bonded soulmate. There may be more than one for you, because soul families travel together. You might choose to marry a less bonded soul companion, one who has something specific to teach you or to learn from you. Your recognition of a soulmate may occur later in life, after both of you are already committed to your present-life families. Or your strongest soulmate connection may be to your parent, or to your child, or to your sibling. Or your strongest connection may be to a soulmate who has not incarnated during your lifetime and who is watching over you from the other side, like a guardian angel.

Sometimes your soulmate is willing and available. He or she might recognize the passion and the chemistry between you, the intimate and subtle bonds that imply connections over many lifetimes. Yet he or she may be toxic for you. It is a matter of soul development.

If one soul is less developed and more ignorant than the other, traits of violence, greed, jealousy, hatred, and fear might be brought into the relationship. These tendencies are toxic to the more evolved soul, even if from a soulmate. Frequently rescue fantasies arise with the thought,
Sometimes soulmates decide not to get married while incarnated. They arrange to meet, to stay together until the agreed upon task is completed, and then to move on. Their agendas, their lesson plans for the entirety of this life, are different, and they do not want to or need to spend all of this lifetime together. This is not a tragedy, only a matter of learning. You have eternal life together, but sometimes you may need to take separate classes.
A soulmate who is available but unawakened is a tragic figure and can cause you great anguish. Unawakened means that he or she does not see life clearly, is not aware of the many levels of existence. Unawakened means not knowing about souls. Usually it is the everyday mind that prevents awakening.
We hear the excuses of the mind all the time: I'm too young; I need more experience; I'm not ready to settle down yet; you are of a different religion (or race, region, social status, intellectual level, cultural background, and so on).
These are all excuses, for souls possess none of these attributes.
The person may recognize the chemistry. The attraction is definitely there, but the source of the chemistry is not understood. It is delusional to believe that this passion, this soul recognition and attraction, will be easily found again with another person. You do not run into such a soulmate every day, perhaps only one or two more in a lifetime. Divine grace may reward a good heart, a loving soul.
Never worry about meeting soulmates. Such meetings are a matter of destiny. They will occur. After the meeting, the free will of both partners reigns.
What decisions are made or not made are a matter of free will, of choice. The less awakened will make decisions based on the mind and all of its fears and prejudices. Unfortunately, this often leads to heartache. The more awakened the couple is, the more the likelihood of a decision based on love. When both partners are awakened, ecstasy is within their grasp.

Listen to your heart, to your own intuitive wisdom, when making important decisions, especially when deciding about a gift of destiny, such as a soulmate. Destiny will deposit its gift directly at your feet, but what you subsequently decide to do with that gift is up to you. 

If you rely exclusively on the advice of others, you may make terrible mistakes. Your heart knows what you need. Other people have other agendas.

For Success


CHAKRAS are energy centers which govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects of our inner being. Of the many chakras within the human body , SEVEN have been identified as major. Chakras are first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of knowledge. Chakras are in the Linga Sarira (astral body). Linga Sarira is of 17 Tattvas, viz., 5 Jnanendriyas (ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose); 5 Karmendriyas (speech, hands,  legs , genitals, anus); 5 Pranas (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana); Manas (mind); and Buddhi (intellect). These have corresponding centers in the spinal cord and the nerve-plexuses in the gross body. Each Chakra has control and function over a particular center in gross body. They are our connection to the energy flow around us and to the Universal Entities. Connecting to the 7 major Chakras, automatically connects to the entire astral body.

MOOLADHARA - ROOT CHAKRA : We begin with the Root Chakra, as it is the core or our foundation. Red in color and it sit's at the base of our spine. We hold the ability's of Physical Energy, Vitality, Stamina, Grounding, Spontanaity, Stability and Passion within our Root Chakra. It gives us our drive, our gusto for life. The means for our direction with family values, career choices and the endurance to achieve what we can conceive in this life. When we hold issues such as our faith and love relationship, this chakra will not perform at it's fullest potential. When we are strong in our convictions, this chakra will assist us in our goals.

Root Chakra (located at the base of the spine) At birth, we experience an acute sense of disorientation and disconnection. Not only are we cut off from the physical security of the womb, but existentially we experience separation from Spirit as we find ourselves embodied in a human form. As the umbilical cord is cut we find ourselves thrust into a dangerous, insecure and vulnerable world. Our human incarnation means we have a dense, sensate, physical body made up of carbon and hydrogen - the constituent elements of the earth. In our attempt to re-establish a sense of spiritual connection, the root chakra becomes activated at birth - a connection that flows downward, and energetically connects deeply with the “sacred matter” of the earth. We cannot survive if we do not feed and nurture the physical body - making our relationship with the earth both necessary and integral to our survival. Part of that survival means also that we belong to a family or clan - a group that can ensure that we are fed from the earth and protected from the elements. Early cave dwellers soon learned that they could not survive without a sense of belonging and protection from the family or “clan.” If our early needs for security and belonging are not met, if disruption and fear are the norm, or if our connection to nature is tenuous, we end up feeling unrooted, anxious and insecure about our right to be here. Psychological symptoms may surface - neuroses, chronic anxiety, fears of becoming ill or dying, feeling vulnerable, ungrounded and afraid of getting one’s hands dirty. When root chakra issues arise, they can be addressed through compassionate self-healing techniques. These include finding ways to reconnect to the earth - “rooting” in nature through walks, gardening or camping; honoring the sacred in the Earth - (Indigenous people have much to teach us); caring for the earth through addressing litter and pollution; healing estrangement from family or friends or joining groups or associations that foster a sense of belonging and security….

SVADHISHTHANA - SACRAL CHAKRA : Our Sacral/Sexual Chakra is orange in color and  sit's at our groin area. While this chakra is called the Sacral/Sexual Chakra, it is not limited to our sexual experiences. We apply this energy to our Drive to accomplishments in this life as well. Our ability to stimulate creativity, productivity, Pleasure, Optimism, Enthusiasm and emotional expression. When we hold issues of our sexual experiences, this chakra does not operate at it's fullest potential. When we are able to cleanse and clear this chakra of these experiences this chakra assist us in our out look in this life.  

The Sacral Chakra (located at the base of the belly and sexual organs) Having established a secure connection to physical reality, the next energetic challenge for the newborn arises in the second chakra - the centre of relationship energy. The second chakra holds the energy of all relationships we encounter in our lives - the nurturing or rejection of our parents; the give and take of sibling rivalry; the devotion or betrayals of friendship; the intimacy and vulnerability of sexual attraction; and the ability to produce and nurture our own children. If we do not learn to connect to others through emotional intimacy we remain alone, estranged or dissociated. When our early needs for intimacy and love are thwarted through abandonment, abuse or neglect, we find it hard to trust and begin to doubt our ability to attract love or find passion and joy in life. Second chakra issues include avoidance of emotional intimacy; accepting or perpetrating abuse in relationships; sexual dysfunction; parenting problems and a lack of life passion. Healing the second chakra involves learning to recognize and respond to our wounded “inner child”; uncovering and healing painful memories of abuse or neglect; learning to forgive; and releasing blame and guilt. It means gently finding the courage to open ourselves to emotional intimacy. Often a wise and trusted counselor or healer can facilitate this process. Developing self-compassion and self-nurturing is key…

MANIPURA - The SOLAR PLEX CHAKRA is just below our belly  button and is Yellow in color. This is where we receive our Intuition, that gut instinct telling us what the spirit already knows. The yellow chakra increases fun, humor, lightness, personal power, intellect, logic and creativity. Being a chakra of intellect, it is meant for us to filter our emotions through this chakra, placing the issues within the color yellow and allowing the experiences to filter through and put it in the perspective so that we may heal from the issue and not carry them in our heart. When we hold issues of not listening to our instincts this chakra will not operate at it's fullest potential. Listening to ones intuition allows this chakra to assist in our guidance.

The Solar Plexus (located around the upper abdomen just under the belly button) Having established some success with relationships, the next psycho-spiritual challenge is to create a sense of self in relationship to the world in which we live. The psycho/spiritual qualities of the solar plexus chakra include self-worth, self-esteem, mastery, empowerment, humility, self-control, and awareness of life meaning and purpose. When our desire to develop a strong sense of ourselves is met with controlling, shaming, authoritarian or intentional ego-damaging behaviors we are left with a debilitated and wounded solar plexus chakra. This manifests as a sense of unworthiness and guilt; lack of confidence and poor self-esteem; a feeling of being disempowered, victimized or lacking a sense of purpose. Conversely, in response to feeling deprived of power, we may ourselves resort to controlling, manipulative or tyrannical behaviors. Healing the solar plexus comes about through restoring a sense of personal power, self-respect, courage, humility and grace. Learning to identify and respond compassionately to our own painful stories is empowering, as is using love to heal fears. Issues of guilt and shame can be transformed through healing work that nurtures a sense of innate goodness, while awareness of co-creatorship with the Divine instills a sense of power. Finally, becoming aware of the deep spiritual qualities of our own nature helps us to act responsibly and move forward with self-initiative, meaning and purpose.

ANAHATA - The HEART CHAKRA holds the heart's eye.  Green in color and sit's at the center of our chest. Supports Balance, Harmony, Love, Communication, Social, Nature and Acceptance. The Heart's eye is the door way to understanding things operating from the love center. When the emotions from an experience are held within this chakra, it blocks the hearts eye and limits our perception. We hold emotional issues from our parents, loved ones we feel have hurt us and the guilt from the labeling of the emotion. This energy should be moved down into the yellow solar plex chakra, to filter the experience into the proper perspective. Allowing the heart chakra to be clear of emotion, acceptance of healing while remaining in balance, giving harmony to our lives.

The Heart Chakra  (located in the chest) As we come to experience ourselves as safe, connected and respected, the energy begins to shift from a focus on the individual self towards a more generous and altruistic outlook. We notice that we feel grateful for the opportunity to live life, and want to give back. The heart chakra now becomes activated as the centre of love, compassion, devotion and generosity. The direction of energy in the body begins to move upwards in its desire to reconnect to the greater source of Divine love. We begin to experience universal compassion - the sense that we are connected to all beings on the planet. We may feel our hearts touched by images of young children a world away playing amongst the rubble of war. We know and have a sense of caring both for ourselves and others and feel compelled to take this love out into action. If however, we have not experienced security, intimacy and self-esteem in the lower chakras, the heart chakra will remain closed and shielded. Issues such as lack of compassion, anger, hatred, stinginess, being overly concerned with self protection, fear of loving too much, grief and heart-ache may all indicate wounding in the heart chakra. Healing the heart chakra involves paying attention first to the wounds that are still lurking in the lower chakras. Learning to love ourselves and our shadow places is the first step towards creating a sense of love and compassion for others. The gift of forgiveness allows deep healing within the heart chakra - forgiveness both for ourselves and others. Visualization, devotional chanting, yoga, prayers and Buddhist Metta or Tonglen meditation are powerful vehicles for opening the heart. Many people find that compassionate encounters with the suffering of others is a means to open their own heart. Important also is becoming aware of our own divine nature and beginning an intimate, sacred process of surrender to the Divine order.

VISHUDDHA - The THROAT CHAKRA is located in your throat and is Blue in color. This Chakra is another connection in which spirit speaks through us, as we speak our intuitions and hopes, desires our words carry with them the energy from within and makes manifest your thoughts. Increases Calmness, Peace, Love, Honesty, Peace, Kindness, Truth, Inner Peace, Emotional Depth and Devotion to our being. As we speak our truths, our connections become much deep in the understanding that we are all connected through our thoughts, our energy. When we allow others to weaken our ability to speak out against the experiences we endure and the messages from spirit, it causes this chakra too become weak. When fully operating this chakra assist us in our confidence, our trust in what we receive.  

The Throat Chakra (located around the throat, mouth and ears) As we grow into deeper awareness and opening of all the chakras, we also begin to expand our ability to tap into the vibrational energy field around us. The patterns of sound are our connection to the world. The throat chakra is the centre for making sense of these vibrations, for communication, self-expression, creativity, speaking our truth, and at the subtlest levels, telepathy, channeling and clairaudience (ability to perceive sounds outside the physical realm). If we encounter repression or attempts to stifle our innate ability for self-expression, the throat chakra closes down and energetically appears blocked. The natural flow of vibration is impeded - energy goes in but cannot go out. We are all too familiar with the childhood maxim “children should be seen and not heard”, the silencing of women’s voices in patriarchal systems and the stifling of creative talent for fear of ridicule. Other threats to the throat chakra include keeping shameful family secrets, living with chronic fear, being yelled at or shamed into silence. When the throat chakra is closed, all other chakras find their expression stifled too. The key to healing the throat chakra is finding the place of our own truth and relearning the ability to express ourselves. We can give ourselves permission to cry, to voice our fears, share our stories and engage in active listening with others. We can honor self-expression through finding creative outlets - writing, art, gardening or music. For some people it is important to reduce the pollution of vibrational noise through meditation or silent retreat. As the throat chakra begins to heal, the grosser vibrations of sound no longer create interference. We begin to tune into more subtle layers of vibration, including the development of psychic abilities such as telepathy and clairaudience and opening to divine revelations such as those experienced by mystics through the ages.

ANJA - THIRD EYE CHAKRA is located in the middle of your  forehead and is Purple in color. This chakra is connected to the Spiritual Realm, the Star Gate Within. We hold the essence of our Spirit Guides and connections to the Universal Powers. This Chakra stimulates Intuition, Imagination, Universal Flow, Meditation, Artistic Qualities. This Chakra is connected to our Pineal Gland, this gland has been called the Star Gate within as it connects us directly to our higher self and the universal energies. When we close our eyes it activates this eye within and our imagination becomes the television in our mind. We can talk with our guides and ask and receive our answers while in this energy. When not operating at it's fullest potential, this chakra can cause us to block the energies flowing from the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, causing us to loose focus and feel like we are all alone in this reality. Fully charged and connected this chakra is our doorway to the unseen world, giving it light and meaning.

The Third Eye (located around the eyes, forehead and the brain) The third eye is the center of intellect, inner knowing, discernment, wisdom, and clairvoyance (intuitive seeing). It is the place where we develop our “witness consciousness”, the ability to stand back and consciously observe and make choices in our life. This is the place where we create our beliefs and our judgments, and where, if we encounter fear-based or authoritarian belief systems, we come to doubt our own knowing and sense of ourselves. Confusion, negative beliefs, blindness to the truth, irresponsibility, close-mindedness and mental rigidity result. We may feel cut off from our emotions and become overly attached to empirical, dogmatic theories and beliefs. Healing the third eye means first of all a willingness to see. It includes opening to the truth beyond what we can physically see, and allowing intuition and inner knowing to become our primary teacher. Healing includes accessing our fear-based belief systems, judgments and criticisms and being willing to let them go. It also means a gentle opening to the messages of the heart. Self-healing techniques include developing inner awareness and witness consciousness; looking for the symbolic importance behind events or interactions; recording and analyzing dreams; practicing equanimity, detachment, and surrendering judgments. As we become aware of the deep spiritual qualities of our own nature, we move into a place of greater clarity, wisdom and acceptance in the third eye.

SAHASRARA - CROWN CHAKRA is located at the top of  your head, that soft spot, and is Magenta in Color. Our Crown Chakra is connected directly to the Great Spirit and is the portal for the energies to Flow through. This chakra emits the energies that protect and ground us to the Universal energies. Opening the Crown chakra involes trusting in the Divine Love and surrendering to the unlimited possibilities of self and the Great Spirit. Allow us to trust in our own abilities with the understanding of our connection to these energies.  Without this connection we feel disconnected to everything, alone, unloved. When fully opened this chakra beams the energies from the top of your head taking the form of light.

The Crown Chakra  (located at the top of the head) As we grow into deeper awareness of our spiritual nature, our energy is drawn increasingly upward in its desire to reconnect to the source of our Being. This process of spiritual awakening or enlightenment is facilitated through opening the crown chakra. Energetically, an open crown chakra appears as light emerging from the top of the head. The crown chakra indicates the extent to which we are willing to live our lives connected to Spirit and living from truth. It allows for inspirational and prophetic thought, mystical connection and devotion, ecstasy, transcendence and liberation from identification with suffering. When we are distracted or overwhelmed by the difficulties and pain of life, we may experience loss of faith in a compassionate Divine force. Issues of doubt, disbelief and depression cloud our inner knowing and overshadow the belief that we are spirit beings. We falsely identify with the finite world and feel “existential angst”. Some may experience a period known as the “dark night of the soul” immortalized by the poetry of St. John of the Cross. For some the sense of isolation and spiritual depression may seem unbearable. Opening and healing the crown chakra involves trust, surrender to Divine love and commitment to spiritual practice. It means living in the present, fully conscious and open to the experience that life offers. Mystics through the ages have turned to prayer, meditation, yoga and silent retreat to support their spiritual journeys. A trusted spiritual guide or teacher may offer compassionate facilitation along this path. The chakras are an elegant window to the soul. There is much we can learn through deepening our understanding of the qualities, attributes and spiritual nuances of these amazing vortexes of energy in the human body…..

Female Foeticide

Sikhism Perspective - Women Status